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Free Homeroom Delivery

Cool4School.net ships direct to any address in the USA via our paid shipping option. Or, we offer free bulk shipping to our partner schools and organizations -- although the free shipping option may take longer to arrive.

At the beginning of each month, we make a free bulk shipment to our partner organizations and schools.

This is why we ask you to include your student's grade and homeroom teacher with every order: If you select the free shipping option, that's the info that ensures your merch goes where it needs to :)

Free homeroom delivery orders generally ship within three business days of the first of each month. Some items ordered near the end of the month may arrive a few days later.

Please allow up to 7 days for paid shipping orders to be mailed (plus the delivery time means your order may take up to 10 days to arrive).

We aim to fill orders as speedily as possible. However, because we create every item to order -- so that there are no out-of-pocket costs for our partner schools and programs -- it can sometimes take up to seven days to fill an order.